Religion isn’t talked about much publicly anymore. The thinking is that religion is a personal matter. But even more than that, the thinking is that it doesn’t really matter anyway. Whatever you want to believe doesn’t matter. As long as it is your belief and you sincerely hold to that belief, nobody can tell you that you are wrong. So there is nothing to discuss. To even think that somebody is wrong in a sincerely held belief is deemed arrogance and a form of hatred.
However, our country was founded on what can be called religious
beliefs, though the Founders didn’t call them beliefs. They called them facts.
They didn’t just believe that God created all people equal,
such that nobody has a divine or inherent right to rule over other people. It is a fact.
They didn’t just believe that God gave human beings
unalienable rights, rights that precede and supersede government, rights that
the government did not give and that government cannot take away. No, it’s a fact.
Now if a person is an atheist, how can they believe that all
people have unalienable rights? Not even
every religion believes in that. Not
every religion believes in a right to life or the right to pursue happiness
A religion is an all-encompassing worldview that defines
what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, what is true and
what is false, what are the rules, are there any rules?
Every person lives by their personal worldview whether it
has the name of a religion or not. Nations
have worldviews too that shape the kinds of laws that it makes. Our country was founded on the Christian
worldview. That’s why we believe in a
right to life and the right to pursue happiness. And why we don’t have kings but
The Founders, and the Constitution, believed in a small
government. That presumes that the people
are self-reliant, responsible, caring of their fellow citizens, and of a high
moral standard. Our Founders encouraged
the use of the Bible in public schools, where it remained for almost 200 years
before a court called supreme deemed that unconstitutional.
Now this doesn’t mean that people are or should be compelled
to believe the Bible or even in God. The
right to freedom of speech means that people are free to believe what they want
and to talk about it. But you have that
right, because our Founders believed in a worldview where God gave you that
right. And that is Christianity.
You don’t have to believe in Christianity to live in our
country and to enjoy our freedoms, but you have those freedoms because our Founders
did believe in that.
Some people will insist that our Founders were deists and
that these rights were natural law and had nothing to do with the Bible and Christianity.
Except that a deist god wouldn’t give humans anything, let
alone tell them about it.
And natural law is an outworking of philosophy. Every generation sees new philosophical systems
that influence things until the next one comes along. But the Founders believed, no, affirmed that
God gave these rights to human beings.
That’s not philosophy but a statement of fact, undergirded by their
belief in the Bible as God’s revelation to humans about Himself and life.