Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a description of life in America which, while it has a basis in fact, focuses on the wrong things and so draws the wrong conclusions.
Is America racist?
Depends on what you mean.
Are there racists in America?
Of course, there are.
And there are racists in every country of the world. This is the human condition.
In 1994, there was a war in Rwanda between the Hutus and the
Tutsis. Both groups were blacks, one was
a minority group that had more political power than the other. But when the killing began, it was simply
based on which group you belonged to.
People had identification cards in their wallets to tell them apart.
Is there systemic racism in America?
Again, it depends on what you mean and what that means.
There is not a country in the world today where a black
person has more freedom and opportunity to achieve success in life than in
America, however you want to define it.
Is it harder for a black person to achieve this success than
for a white person?
In many or most cases, I would say yes.
And this is where I believe CRT goes astray. Not all the problems blacks face are caused
by other people. I submit that three of
the largest problems in the black community are single parent homes, high
dropout rates from school, and crime.
Are these self-inflicted problems or caused by other people? CRT would want to fault other people as the
primary cause of all the ills of black people.
Imagine a marathon run.
Imagine that white people get to start 5 miles into the
Wait, that is unfair.
If the goal is to be the first person across the finish
line, yes, that is unfair and wrong.
But the goal of a marathon for most people is to just finish
the race. That is success, and whether
you finish the race, that is entirely up to you.
CRT says the whole thing is broken. The system, the people, the whole dang
I submit we live in the best country in the world to do
whatever it is you want to do. If you
focus on that, what they call racism is but a headwind in the run. When people are focusing on what they
consider obstacles, they are not running toward the goal but standing on the
sidelines complaining, while everyone else is running.
But shouldn’t we try to improve our country? Root out racism?
Sure. And how do you propose
we do that?
The Founders believed it was through the Bible and Christianity. Racism wasn’t their focus but a society where
people cared for each other and weren’t reliant on other people. Other people, though, were there to help them
if they needed it.
It was Christianity and the Bible that taught our people to
love their neighbors as themselves and to do unto others as you would have
others do unto you.
We’ve lost this in our country. Primarily because the court called supreme
said we can’t talk or teach about God in our public schools, and so we
essentially removed God from public life
CRT wants to remake our country by changing the system,
where the real need is to change people.
If you change the system, we will lose the freedoms that made our country
great. It will try to legislate equality,
and while it may raise up some people on the very bottom, it will bring
everybody else down in the process. We
will all be more equal, but more equally poor.